Thursday, January 26, 2012

Oprah and the Former Rockstar

A couple days ago, my guitar teacher turned me on to this clip. BEFORE YOU WATCH IT. Let me preface that there is not one big "Aha!" moment or punchline. Moreover, it is a series of just completely ridiculous antics.

Okay, have you watched it? Are you laughing? I wasn't the first time I saw it. I was actually pretty confused as to what the hell was going on.

So I took another watch.

Okay, NOW I'm laughing. I decided immediately that I needed to break down this video.

The first thing that jumped out at me was the awkward way in which Oprah holds Steven Tyler's hand in the beginning as they are walking towards the woods. It looks as if they are not so much holding hands, but as if Oprah is literally holding Steven Tyler from falling down. And honestly, I don't think that's too far off from the truth, judging by the amount of drugs Tyler took throughout his career with Aerosmith.

The next thing that I thought was hysterical was about a minute in. Oprah stops to admire a rock covered in moss and highly obliviously, Steven Tyler ushers her on saying, "Okay, come on". It almost sounds like he's talking to a dog.

At one point, Tyler and Oprah are standing in the middle of the woods, and it's quiet and Oprah says, "It's the stillness..." with an inflection that maybe was supposed to have a lasting impact. If there is any silent, sacred magic to being in the woods, and I am inclined to believe that there is, Oprah, Steven Tyler and that camera crew are totally ruining it.

The part that really got me though, was when they were sitting on the moss, in the middle of the woods, smelling grass and talking about NOT being on drugs.

To end the video, Oprah proclaims, with a certain amount of unwarranted grandness I might add, "I don't think God is in the music, I think He... IS the music." Wow, like we all didn't know that one was coming.

The whole time, it seems as though Oprah is trying to be on Steven Tyler's level. That is impossible. Steven Tyler does not live on Earth, he's in his own little world, man.

Anyway, just thought I'd share this little gem. Lemme know what ya think.


  1. I think this video was rather funny. I think to fully understand you have to watch it more than once, and even then it may be a little confusing as to the message its trying to convey. Steven Tyler is a very different kind of character, and it's funny to see Oprah trying to be like him. They are both acting so reminiscent and calm and I think because they are somewhat out of character you know there is some underlying message for the audience.

  2. This video is absolutely absurd. I could not stop laughing, especially when they started smelling the leaves. To me, the funniest thing was that they were talking about not being on drugs while in the middle of the forest talking about the little village they were sitting on. Seems kind of ironic to me, but I really enjoyed this video.
